Blackrock Educate Together Secondary School

Board Games Club

Board Games Club

The Board Games/Chess Club is a great way for students to make friends in a safe environment and participate in a range of different games. Some of the activities include chess, checkers, jigsaws, Connect 4, cards and other board games. Not only do the students improve their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, but they also form strong friendships with other students who have a common interest in them.

When: Monday lunchtime

Where: GF05

Who: Katie

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Congratulations to 2nd year student, Alex, on another incredible athletics feat. Alex won the silver medal in yesterday's All-Ireland with a jump of 10.04m. We are so proud of Alex's accomplishments this athletic year!


Congratulations to our Amber Flag Committee, led by our coordinator, Leah, on being presented with the Amber Flag for their efforts to improve wellbeing and mental health awareness this year.


Friday, 24th May, saw our annual Prize Day ceremony take place in the school. The occasion was a wonderful mix of performances, speeches, celebrations, and more! We thank all of our contributors and participants for ensuring the day was a

Blackrock ETSS, Tully Park, Cherrywood, Dublin 18, D18 Y48H
© 2024 Blackrock Educate Together Secondary School